Free restaurant Menu Proofreading Service

Don't be embarrassed by typos in your restaurant's menu!
Do your customers really want "smell eggs" on their sushi? Or a "Griss Cheese sandwich"?

It seems at least two or three times a month I will find a spelling or grammatical error in a restaurant menu when I am eating out. It amazes me that a restaurant would spend hundreds of dollars to print out menus and not have them professionally reviewed! 

Sometimes all it takes is fresh eyes to view the menu from an unbiased point of view.

Before printing hundreds of menus and perhaps thousands of take out menus let us proofread it first! For FREE we will check your menu for spelling errors grammatical mistakes and overall readability.

Simply email your menu to
Within 2 business days we will send it back with our corrections.

It's quick, it's easy and it's free!



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